Paz Universe
About Paz

Why Paz Universe?

  Those of you who stumble across my site may wonder, "Who is Paz? and why does he have a website?"
  Those of you who actually do know me probably wonder why I haven't had a website until now.
  The fact is, I never knew how to build a website, I only know a couple of people who have ever had their own site, and I don't think they have them any more.
 I must thank FSTipster and Cherokee-6 from the simviation forum for pointing me in the right direction.
  Why Paz Universe? and how did I choose the title for my site?
  I have many hobbies and interests, I have always believed that if I built a site, it would be interesting and appealing to many different people, I would like to do reviews on the different types of media that I indulge in, I feel as though I am an open minded and objective individual. I have a way of expressing myself that some may find interesting, sometimes humorous or unique, and others may find offensive at times.
  I recently cataloged nearly 500 video games that I have on hand, most are for PC, but many are console games, PS2, PSX, Sega Genesis, SNES.
  I have many hundreds of music CD's and Cassettes that cover pretty much any type of music you can imagine, I have always loved music and spent much of my life being a musician, writing and recording my own songs in my own small 8-track home studio. Perhaps I could post sound bytes or MP3's of some of my stuff.
  My movie collection is not all that impressive, but it likely numbers in the hundreds when you count DVD's and VHS tapes, plus I subscribe to all the movie stations on satellite, you add that into the equation along with rentals, and  I think I'm qualified to rate a movie here and there.
  Over time I have probably built a hundred models, cars, airplanes, ships, military vehicles, you name it and I've most likely built it at some point.
I'd like to post photo's of some of my work and maybe review a kit as I go along. 
  At this point my stamp collection numbers easily in the thousands, both U.S. and foreign stamps, I have so many spare duplicates that I would like to get into the business of dealing approvals, I could use this site for that purpose too.
  I have computers sitting everywhere, right now I have 6 of them, from various periods in the evolution of computers, Commodore 64 (which I still fire up now and then), 486SE, Pentium-100, Athlon 900MHZ, P-4 1.4 GHZ, and my current P-4 2.66 GHZ.
I tell everyone I know I'm a true geek, because the first thing I do when I take a new machine out of the box is open the case and see whats inside, or look under the hood if you will.
I don't know programming or anything, but I can take a computer apart and put it back together with my eyes closed. I've done so many upgrades over the years that I've got a whole box of parts, probably everything you would need to build a computer, but I doubt everything would be compatible.
 There is almost always a police scanner turned on when I'm home, I only live a block from the hospital and when sirens go by I like knowing whats going on.
There are also aviation frequencys programmed, just because I have always loved aviation.
  I've traveled much of the country, I know Arizona like the back of my hand, even though I only lived there a couple of years, I know Phoenix and the valley better than I know the small  Michigan town I grew up in, and currently reside.
  I have thousands of magazines stored away, on all sorts of subjects, and I'm not sure how many I am currently subscribed to, I am an information freak, I also have a small comic collection and some sports cards from the early 90's.
  I've dabbled in photography, astronomy, treasure hunting, rock climbing, hunting, fishing, archery, electronics, carpentry and I don't know how many other hobbies I have tried, a lot of times over the years I just sort of put a hobby away for now and get back to it a few years later.
  I have a weight bench, sometimes I get real serious about getting into shape, so I'll work out real religiously for a couple of months, and about the time I really start to see results, I'll get busy doing something else, like sitting on my ass playing video games, and pretty soon my gut is back, it's not a big gut, but a gut all the same.
  I love cats and we currently have two of them, if we lived in a bigger place I know we would have a few more, and I'm not sure how many fish are in the two aquariums, which I plan to combine into one big one someday soon.
  I've also done things that I'm glad I don't do anymore, but at least I have first hand experience. I've was an alcoholic for many years, now I haven't had a drop of alcohol for almost 4 years, and I don't miss it one bit. I could write a book on all the dumb shit I did while I was drunk, if I could remember even half of it.
I smoked cigarettes for many years, now I haven't touched a smoke for over 3 years, and I don't miss it one bit.
I did a lot of drugs over the years, I was an acid head for a while, I always prefered shrooms, but they're so hard to get. I can't even begin to estimate how much weed I smoked in my life, but I can say it wasn't as much as anyone else I knew, a couple of tokes and I'm good. Tried coke and meth and who knows what else but didn't really get into that stuff, and I never, ever shot up or did crack. But that stuff is all in the past too, and I don't miss it one bit.
  For 20 years I have had long hair, to the middle of my back, a few days ago I cut it all off, and I sure as hell don't miss it one damn bit!.
  So, why Paz Universe? I guess because my world is so big, and to a certain extent, still expanding.
I don't think it is far from the truth to say that my website will have something for everyone.
     Welcome to Paz Universe

I'm not crazy! I'm just me!

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